Plastic Surgeon in St. Louis, MO
Meet Dr. McGuire
Dr McGuire is a native St. Louisan, she grew up in South St. Louis. She attended the University of Missouri-Kansas City for undergraduate and medical school before doing a general surgery residency at Jewish Hospital- Washington University and plastic surgery at St. Louis University.
She and Dr. Caplin have been in practice together since 1991.
Dr. McGuire specializes in breast surgery and body contouring. She lectures nationally and internationally on cosmetic breast surgery focusing on safety and has numerous publications in plastic surgery journals.
Dr. McGuire is a member of the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic surgery and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. She is a member of the board for the Aesthetic Society Educational and Research Foundation, the editorial board of the Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Vice Chair of the Breast implant illness task force, and a member of the ASPS ALCL committee. She has served as a Traveling professor for the Aesthetic Society and is invited faculty to many national and international meeting and is the Co Chair of the Experienced Insights in breast and body surgery for the Aesthetic Society.

Dr. McGuire is a principal investigator for the ASERF sponsored “Systemic Symptoms Biospecimen Analysis Study” the first prospective, blinded study, with control groups looking at symptoms that develop in women with implants.
Dr. McGuire is married to Dr. Robert Sciortino and has two daughters and three dogs. Her identical tiwn sister is an Associate Dean at Washington University School of Medicine.
Dr. McGuire is a clinical investigator for Allergan’s Style 410 highly cohesive (gummy bear) implant. In 2001, she was one of the first surgeons in the area to be invited to participate in this study. The Style 410 implant has been available in Europe since 1991 and was approved in Canada in 2006. It is currently available in the United States under study protocol to a limited number of plastic surgeons. The Style 410 Matrix offers 144 implants in 12 shapes to allow a more “custom” implant for breast augmentation and cancer reconstruction. The Style 410 implant has the highest number of cross-links between the silicone molecules and, therefore, is the most “cohesive” of the currently available cohesive implants. This gives a high safety margin, with a low risk of rupture with gel bleed, and a low capsular contracture rate.
Dr. McGuire’s experience was presented in a paper at the International Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons in Melbourne, Australia in February of 2008. Dr. McGuire is one of eight plastic surgeons chosen to be a consultant for the curriculum committee for Allergan to teach other physicians how to use the Style 410 implant. Dr. McGuire spent time in Stockholm, Sweden in June 2006 with Dr. Charles Randquist, considered an international expert in the use of the Style 410 implant. Dr. McGuire also has extensive experience with other options for breast implants including silicone gel and saline implants. They use dimensional planning, using the patient’s anatomy to determine the best option for each patient. The Style 410 implant is not always the best choice for breast augmentation and their experience with all types of implants, including the Style 410, can help a patient decide which implant is best for them.
Clinical Instructor of Surgery Washington University, St. Louis
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery: 1993
Member: American Society of Plastic Surgeons
American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Undergraduate: University of Missouri-Kansas City BA in Biology
Medical School: University of Missouri-Kansas City 1985
Residency: General surgery: Jewish Hospital, Washington University, St. Louis 1985-1989
Plastic Surgery residency: St. Louis University 1989-1991
Private Practice:
Parkcrest Plastic Surgery 1991- present
St. Louis Metropolitan Medical Society
St. Louis Area Society of Plastic Surgery (Former President)
American Society of Plastic Surgeons
American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Missouri State Medical Association
Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society
Phi Kappa Alpha
American Medical Women’s association award for Academic Achievement
ASERF special award for research 2022
Best paper ASJ 2021
Best paper ASJ 2020
Best presentation The Aesthetic meeting 2021
Scot Spear award: Best Breast presentation The Aesthetic Meeting 2022
Robert Singer Award: Best Hot Topics Presentation 2022
Best Research Paper ASJ 2022
Vice President: Aesthetic Society Education and Research Foundation
Member ASERF Scientific Research Committee
Former Chair of Ethics Committee for The Aesthetic Society
Editorial Board Member Aesthetic Surgery Journal
Reviewer Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Journal
Member Aesthetic Society Emergency Breast Implant Task Force
Member: ASPS BIA-ALCL patient safety subcommittee
President St Louis Area Society of Plastic Surgery 2002-2004
Clinical Investigator Allergan Style 410 studies 2002-2014
Clinical Investigator Motiva US Clinical trials 2018-present
Chair Aesthetic Society Experienced Insights meeting 2023
Course Instructor at the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic surgery and American Society of Plastic Surgeons annual meetings
Traveling professor American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
Member BIA-ALCL subcommittee ASPS
Member: Informed consent committee ASAPS
Principal Investigator ASERF Study “Systemic Symptoms Biospecimen Study”
Live surgery: Augmentation revision: Atlanta Breast meeting 1/2020
AAPS invited presention: Breast Implant Illness: What is the science? April 30, 2023
Keynote speaker/Invited Faculty 2022:
ISAPS World Congress, Istanbul
- North Carolina Society of Plastic Surgery
- California Plastic Surgery Society
- Georgia Plastic Surgery Society
- Canadian Society for Aesthetic Plastic surgery
- Barcelona Breast Meeting
- Toronto Breast Meeting
Principal investigator: ASERF sponsored: Systemic Symptoms in Women Biospecimen Analysis Study 2019
Principal investigator: Systemic symptom improvement with implant removal with no capsule removal
The Efficacy and Learning Curve of Office Based High Resolution Ultrasound to Detect Shell Failure in Breast Implants Aesthetic Surgery Journal 08/December 2022
Longevity of Post-Explantation Systemic Symptom improvement and Potential Etiologies: Findings from the ASERF Systemic Symptoms in Women Biospecimen Analysis Study, Aesthetic Surgery Journal 11/April 2023
Separating Myth from Reality in Breast Implants: An Overview of 30 years of Experience: PRS April 4, 2023
Commentary On: En Bloc Capsulectomy for Breast Implant Illness: A Social Media Phenomenon? Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Volume 41, issue4, 460-462 Sept 2020
A Practical Guide to Managing Patients with Systemic Symptoms and Breast Implants, Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Volume 42, Issue 4, April 2022 397-407
Heavy Metals in Breast Implant Capsules and Breast Tissue: Findings from the Systemic Symptoms in Women-Biospecimen Analysis Study: Part 2 Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Volume 42, Issue 9: September 2022, 1067-1076
Microbes, Histology, Blood Analysis, Enterotoxins, and Cytokines: Findings from the ASERF Systemic Symptoms in Women-Biospecimen Analysis Study: Part 3 Aesthetic Surgery Journal, April 2023
Response to: More Research Is What We Need Now for Breast Implant Illness: Aesthetic Surgery Journal, sjac188, hyyps://
Commentary: Understanding Breast Implant Illness: Etiology is the Key, Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Volume 42, Issue 4 April 2022 378-380
Impact of Capsulectomy Type on Post-Explantation Systemic Symptom Improvement: Findings from the ASERF Systemic Symptoms in Women-Biospecimen Analysis Study: Part 1, Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Volume 42, Issue 7, July 2022, 809-819
Breast Implant Illness: How Can We Help? Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Volume 39, Issue11, November 2019, 1260-1263
A Cautionary Tale and Update on Breast Implant Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) Aesthetic Surgery Journal Volume 40, Issue 12 December 2020 1288-1300
Commentary on: Self-Reported Health Complaints in Women Undergoing Explantation of Breast Implants: Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Volume 42, Issue 2,February 2022, 181-182
Comparative Analysis of Cytokines of Tumor Cell Lines, Malignant, and Benign Effusions Around Breast Implants: Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Volume 40, issue 6, June 2020, 630=737
US FDA Patient Decision Checklist for Breast Implants Results of Survey to Members of The Aesthetic Society, April 2022. Aesthetic Surgery Journal, sjac245,
Breast Implant Illness: A Way Forward, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 143(3S): 74S-81S March 2019
Breast Implant Illness: An Expert-Panel Discussion on Current Research: Aesthetic Surgery Journal Open Forum, volume 3 Issue 3, September 2021, ojab027,
Commentary on the Capsulectomies: An Analysis of the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program Database: Aesthetic Surgery Journal Open Forum, Volume 4, 2022, ojac26,
Defining Internal Tissue Closure: High Resolution Ultrasound Evaluation of Interi; A Novel Internal Tissue Closure System, Aesthetic Surgery Journal Open Forum, ojac073,
Management of Asymptomatic Patients with Textured Surface Breast Implants: Aesthetic Surgery Journal Open Forum: Volume 1, Issue 3 September 2019, 0jz025,
Discussion: A Prospective Approach to Inform and Treat 1340 Patients at Risk for BIA-ALCL Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 144(1):57-58 July 2019
RiskFactor Analysis for Capsular Contracture, Malposition, and Late Seroma in Subjects Receiving Natrelle 410 Form-Stable SiliconeBreast Implants Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 139(1):1-9 January 2017
Natrelle 410 Extra-Full Projection Silicone Breast Implants: 2 year results from Two Prospective Studies Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 136(4):638-646 October 2015
Reply: Late Seromas in Natrelle 410 Form-Stable Silicone Breast Implants 140(3):501e-502e: September 2017
Reply: Risk Factor Analysis for Capsular Contracture,
Malposition and Late Seroma in Subjects Receiving Natrelle 410 Form-Stable Silicone Breast Implants. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 140(3): 5003, September 2017
Society Educational Materials:
Breast Implant Illness: An Expert Panel Discussion on Current Research ASJ Open forum Volume 3 (3) September 2021
Management of Asymptomatic Patients with Textured Surface Breast Implants ASJ Open Forum: Volume 1 (3) September 2019
Patient Safety Advisory: Breast Implant Removal and Capsulectomy: Joint Statement ISAPS/ASAPS/ASERF
Breast Implant Illness Talking Points: Aesthetic Society 8/2020
Book Chapters:
Surgery of the Breast Volume 5: Breast Implant Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment, Editor: Maurice Nahabedian, MD 2023
Managing Common and Uncommon Complications of Aesthetic Breast Surgery: Chapter 3: Guiding Principles for Congenital Chest Wall and Breast Anomalies: Avoiding Complications 2021 Editor: John Kim, MD
Managing Common and Uncommon Complications of Aesthetic Breast Surgery: Chapter 10: The Use of 3D Imaging too Avoid Asymmetry and Aesthetic Problems in Cosmetic Breast Surgery Editor: John Kim, MD 2021
Spear’s Surgery of the Breast Principles and Art: Chapter 125: Breast implant Illness, What do we know now? Editors: Allen Gabriel, MD, G. Patrick Maxwell, MD, Maurice Nahabedian, MD 2021
Spear’s Surgery of the Breast Principles and Art: Chapter 129: Integrating High Resolution Ultrasound into your Practice: Ultrasound Basics, Current Studies, and Clinical Applications
Editors: Allen Gabriel, MD, G. Patrick Maxwell, MD, Maurice Nahabedian, MD 2021